Hello and Good evening,
I would like to discuss abstract art with you or rather I will attempt to define my understanding of abstract art.  Abstract or abstraction is the idea of sucking some content from an idea or object.  Thus abstraction could mean sucking juice from an orange or sucking that gelato from your ice-cream cone; also one can extrapolate this idea to art or abstract art in particular sic in abstract art one is extracting something be it an emotion or a thought or a desire.  In abstract art we are not given the object to abstract from rather we are given an idea of what that abstraction process might be.  I would however also contend that abstact art is a misnomer: abstract art does not abstract and is not an abstraction in itself; It could possibly be called a distraction process.  Abstract art does not limit the possibilities; abstract art has no limits.  Abstract art enriches not abstracts.

Good evening

Richad McEllistrem